Pioneer Grant - MPH

Pioneer Grant - MPH

The Pioneer Grant provides eligible students with a 30% savings in tuition pricing, up to $7,095, on MPH coursework at Chamberlain University for the duration of enrollment.

Register now* to start Chamberlain’s Master of Public Health (MPH) degree program for the May 2021 session and receive additional tuition savings. The Pioneer Grant provides eligible students with a 30% savings in tuition pricing, up to $7,095, on MPH coursework at Chamberlain University for the duration of their enrollment.

*The grant availability for new students will be evaluated each session.


  • Must hold a bachelor’s degree in any field
  • Enrollment in Public Health coursework at Chamberlain
  • Minimum enrollment of three credit hours per semester
  • Continuing students are not eligible for this award

Continued Eligibility:

  • Minimum enrollment of three credit hours per semester

Deadline: Speak with your student finance advisor for deadline details.

Continued Eligibility
30% tuition savings